Keeping the ‘R’ in DRL – the latest peer-reviewed and published study from DRL, carried out in collaboration with Dr Andrew Bates of Vetlife New Zealand and the Centre for Dairy Excellence, describes the control of Johne’s disease on a large NZ pastoral dairy farm using DRL’s testing strategy and the results really speak for themselves.
At the beginning of this four year case study of a large dairy farm with a history of Johne’s disease (JD), 5% of calved cows were being culled annually with suspected clinical JD (55/1,201) falling to 0.4 % (5/1,283) in the final year of the control program. Similarly, at the start of the study 26% of cows were serum test positive, falling to just 3% after three years of intervention. By implementing a smarter testing approach in which the highest MAP shedders were earmarked for earliest removal, the infectious pressure on the remainder of the herd was quickly reduced. After the first year of intervention, farm production increased by 27,294 KgMS, from 53 fewer cows. In addition, the early identification of subclinically infected cows allowed for full carcass recovery of cull cows which alone negated testing costs.
Take home message: On dairy farms experiencing clinical JD progress can be made quickly using smarter culling. Johne’s disease testing should be viewed as an investment and not as a cost.
Read the full article here.
MAY 2023 HEIFER TESTING PROMOTION! Use Paralisa™ testing to detect subclinical Johne’s infections earlier*. After 3 years of research, including over 8,000 animals, we are now offering our combined Paralisa™ + absorbed ELISA testing for heifers 18 months and older. Ask your animal health provider about incorporating DRL’s Paralisa™ …[Read more]
DRL is an industry leader in diagnostic services for Johne’s disease in New Zealand, and the inhouse Johne’s diagnostic tool, the Paralisa™ test, has proven its strength in combination with commercially available ELISA tests. Increasing test sensitivity allows farmers to identify animals in the earlier states of disesase (subclinical), and …[Read more]
Our faecal PCR test hallmark of quality. Every year, the DRL laboratory participates in blinded proficiency panel testing for Johne’s disease, administered through the US National Veterinary Services Laboratory, Ames, Iowa as part of an ongoing international accreditation programme for diagnostic laboratories. These proficiency panels include serum, milk and faecal …[Read more]